Globe Minivan & Minibus Taxi Service
Globe Minivan & Minibus Taxi Service

Minivan & Minibus Taxi Service in Zürich City

Hallo meine Damen und Herren. 

Wir freuen uns, Sie begrüßen zu dürfen.

Wir fahren Sie gerne die ganze Strecke in komfortablen schwarzen Mercedes-Benz-Autos und Minibussen.

Angemessene Preise

Unsere Preise werden im Voraus bestätigt. Alle Preise verstehen sich inklusive aller Gebühren, Steuern und Kosten. Es gibt keine versteckten Kosten. Sie wissen immer, wie viel jede Fahrtstrecke kostet. Wir berechnen kein Trinkgeld automatisch, Trinkgeld ist immer freiwillig.

Alle Richtungen

Es spielt keine Rolle, ob Sie von A nach B oder umgekehrt reisen möchten. Unsere Transportdienste sind in beide Richtungen verfügbar. Reisen innerhalb der Europäischen Union werden einfach und bequem gemacht.

Mehr anzeigen

Wir können jeden Transfer nach Ihren Wünschen gestalten. Tür-zu-Tür-Panoramatransfers mit einem oder mehreren Stopps sind kein Problem. So können Sie mehr sehen und den Urlaub in vollen Zügen genießen.

Tolle Alternative zu Zügen

Autos und Minivans sind eine schnelle, vernünftige und bequeme Alternative zum Reisen zwischen europäischen Städten. Da wir Sie von Hotel zu Hotel bringen, sparen Sie wertvolle Zeit und Energie. Wir kümmern uns um alle Ihre Transportbedürfnisse.

Billiger als Flugzeuge

Der Bodentransport von Passagieren in Europa ist zeitsparend, kostengünstig und komfortabel. Mercedes-Benz-Autos und Minivans entsprechen den Standards der 1. Klasse. Die Tür-zu-Tür-Transfers sind eine schnelle Art, zwischen den europäischen Hauptstädten zu reisen.

Stunden- und Tagesservice

Wir fahren nach Ihrem Zeitplan. Wir sind für Stundenservice sowie Tagesmieten, Tagesausflüge, Mehrtagesausflüge, Rundfahrten, Panoramatouren und Chauffeurdienste innerhalb der Europäischen Union verfügbar.

Sicher und gesund

Wir fahren gemäß den Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen. Fahrer verwenden Blinker, Sicherheitsgurte und Freisprecheinrichtungen. Sie sind nicht nur sicher, Sie werden sich auch sicher fühlen. Alle Chauffeure absolvieren regelmäßige Schulungen und Kurse für defensives Fahren. Die Fahrzeuge werden in perfektem Zustand und in einwandfreiem technischen Zustand gehalten.

Wirklich 24/7

Der Transport wird das ganze Jahr über angeboten. Die Abholzeiten sind völlig flexibel und richten sich nach den Bedürfnissen der Passagiere. Unsere Fahrer können Sie früh morgens oder spät abends ohne Aufpreis abholen.


MB GLC 250 SUV | 4 Passengers

MB Minivan V-Class Extra L 4 MATIC | 7 Passengers

MB Elegant E-Class 4 MATIC | 3 Passengers

MB Minivan V-Class Extra L 4 MATIC | 6 Passengers

MB GLC 250 SUV | 4 Passengers

MB S-500 Class 4 MATIC | 3 Passengers

MB Sprinter Minibus | 14 Passengers

Unser Gepäckwagen | Wenn Sie viel Gepäck haben

Sonderpreise Juli 2024 | Zürich Airport Intercity Transfers

Zürich Airport - Interlaken
500 CHF

Type of car:
MB - V klasse | MB - E Klasse l MB - GLC -SUV

Zürich Airport - Lauterbrunnen
550 CHF

Type of car:
MB - V klasse | MB - E Klasse l MB - GLC -SUV

Zürich Airport Vaduz
400 CHF

Type of car:
MB - V klasse | MB - E Klasse l MB - GLC -SUV

Zürich Airport - Brienz
450 CHF

Type of car:
MB - V klasse | MB - E Klasse l MB - GLC -SUV

Zürich Airport - Lugano
850 CHF

Type of car:
MB - V klasse | MB - E Klasse l MB - GLC -SUV

Zürich Airport - Genf
1000 CHF

Type of car:
MB - V klasse | MB - E Klasse l MB - GLC -SUV

Zürich Airport - Engelberg
390 CHF

Type of car:
MB - V klasse | MB - E Klasse l MB - GLC -SUV


Entdecke Globe Minivan & Minibus Taxi Service

Flughafentransfer in Zürich

Minivan- und Minibus-Taxi Service am Flughafen Zürich

Zürich Flughafen Shuttle vom und zum Hotel

Support rund um die Uhr

Flughafen Zürich Gruppenfahrten

Firmen & Messenfahrten

Zürich Airport Minivan & Minibus Taxi Service 

Festpreis Transfer Service

Stadt & Fernfahrten

Taxi Service und Kleinbusservice in Zürich



Flughafen Zürich (ZRH) Transfers zu beliebten Zielen:

Aarau.Andermatt.Arosa.Bad Ragaz.Baden.Basel.Bern.Biel.Bregenz .Chur.Churwalden. Colmar. Davos. Dornbirn. Engelberg. Falera. Fiss. Flims. Frauenfeld. Freiburg im Breisgau. Galtur. Gaschurn. Genf. Grindelwald. Gstaad. Interlaken. Ischgl. Klosters-Serneus. Konstanz. Kreuzlingen. Laax. Ladis. Lausanne Lauterbrunnen. Lech am Arlberg. Lindau. Livigno. Lochau. Lugano. Luzern. Montreux. Neuchâtel. Neuhausen am Rheinfall. Parpan. Rust (Europa-Park). Saas-Fee. Schaffhausen Schruns. Scuol. Serfaus. Silvaplana. St. Anton am Arlberg. St. Christoph am Arlberg. St. Gallen. St. Moritz. Straßburg. Thun. Vaduz. Valbella. Vaz-Obervaz. Verbier-Bagnes. Winterthur. Zermatt-Täsch. Zug. Zürs am Arlberg.

Einer unserer Spezialservices

Unser Gepäckwagen | Wenn Sie viel Gepäck haben.


Sie können einen Transfer von mindestens 48 Stunden bis maximal 3 Monate im Voraus buchen.

Meet & Greet Service

Ihr Chauffeur holt Sie innerhalb des Flughafens in der Gepäckankunftshalle ab, um Ihnen mit Ihrem Gepäck zu helfen. Erhalten Sie den Service, den Sie verdienen.


Konkurrenzfähige Preise Nutzen Sie den Premium-Service zu entfernungsabhängigen Preisen, die fair für Sie und unsere Chauffeure sind.

Stressfreie Preise und Vorteile

Flugtracking. Feste Tarife, Preise im Voraus bestätigen. 60 Minuten Wartezeit am Flughafen. 15 Minuten Wartezeit im Hotel oder an jedem anderen Halt. Kostenloses Wasser und WLAN.

Besondere Erlebnisse

Erleben Sie, wie romantisch, repräsentativ, festlich und unterhaltsam Minivan & Minibus in Zürich sein kann. Allein die Fahrt in unserer Luxus Taxi mit Chauffeur ist ein besonderes Erlebnis. Wenn Sie bei Ihrem Event angekommen sind, ziehen sich Fahrer und Wagen zurück, bis Sie Ihre Dienste wieder in Anspruch nehmen möchten.


1. Bitte füllen Sie das Kontaktformular aus.

2. Wir senden Ihnen in weniger als einer Stunde den besten Preis für Ihre Reise.

3. Bei der Preisvereinbarung senden wir Ihnen einen Link, über den Sie eine sofortige Anzahlung von 30 % des Reisewertes leisten können, um die Reservierung und deren Gültigkeit zu bestätigen. Der Restbetrag muss bei Ankunft am endgültigen Zielort per Kreditkarte oder in bar bezahlt werden.

Bitte schalten Sie nach Ihrer Landung Ihr Mobiltelefon ein, unser Fahrer wird Sie anrufen und Ihnen mitteilen, wo er Sie abholen wird. Wenn unser Fahrer nicht anruft, rufen Sie bitte sofort nach Ihrer Landung an, unser Fahrer wird bereits auf Sie warten!

Wenn Ihr Flug Verspätung hat, werden wir dies sehen, sofern Sie uns Ihre Flugnummer mitgeteilt haben.

Sobald unser Fahrer auf dem Weg zu Ihnen ist, wird er Sie anrufen und seine genaue Ankunftszeit bestätigen. Es ist wichtig, dass Sie sofort antworten oder zurückrufen.
Wir bitten Sie außerdem, zur angegebenen Abholzeit abfahrbereit zu sein.

Lassen Sie uns die Reise unvergesslich machen!

Holen Sie sich den Service, den Sie verdienen.


*“ zeigt erforderliche Felder an

Gäste bringen und abholen - Ort.
Mobiltelefon mit Landesvorwahl.
Kontaktieren Sie uns und lassen Sie uns wissen, ob wir etwas für Sie tun können. Fordern Sie ein Angebot für Ihre geplante Reise an. Bitte teilen Sie uns Folgendes mit: 1. Abholdatum und -zeit. 2. Anzahl der Passagiere. 3. Anzahl der Gepäckstücke. 4. Fahrzeugklasse. Wir werden uns in weniger als einer Stunde mit Ihrem Angebot bei Ihnen melden.
Dieses Feld dient zur Validierung und sollte nicht verändert werden.


12:05 29 Dec 23
Exzellente Erfahrung!
Sherine SwissSherine Swiss
23:21 19 Oct 23
Alles top! Habe telefonisch ein Taxi für eine Fahrt nachts zum Flughafen vorbestellt, alles lief unkompliziert, der Preis war in Ordnung und der Fahrer sowie die Mitarbeiterin am Telefon super freundlich.
Taxi Holiday taxiTaxi Holiday taxi
16:14 20 Sep 23
Wir haben mehrere mal probiert mit verschiedenen Taxi Fahrer zusammen zu Arbeiten leider hat nicht so gut gegangen,Aber seit Zwei Jahren wir Arbeiten nur mit Globe Taxi und wir Sind Sehr zufrieden. Herr Sami tut alles professionell machen.Immer pünktlich, Zuverlässig, Sehr vorkommend. Plus Luxus Autos und Sehr Sauber.Wir Danken Ihnen Vielmals für Alles Herr Sami , und Wünschen Wir Ihnen Viel Erfolg.
22:06 05 Sep 23
Diego QuinterosDiego Quinteros
08:47 28 Mar 23
Transferservice am Flughafen Zürich – Privater Flughafentransfer. Taxifahrer hat sich sehr viel Mühe gegeben, toller Service.
Fabian HürlimannFabian Hürlimann
01:17 24 Dec 21
Interlaken flugahafen transfer ausgezeichnet!Super service, sehr freundlich. Bestes taxi
Ismail DahirIsmail Dahir
21:02 03 Jun 21
Ausgezeichneter Flughafen transfer sehr freundliche Chaffeur sehr empfelungswert danke 🙂


Globe Transporte GmbH

Stationsstrasse 49

8604 Zürich

General terms and conditions of business.

Scope of services

The contractual activity of Globe Transporte GmbH includes commercial passenger transport after the order has been placed by the customer.

The contractual services include the safe transport of the agreed number of people with their luggage to the agreed pick-up date to the agreed destination. Other services such as child seats (up to 4 years), excess luggage, bulky luggage and taking animals with you must be agreed separately and requested when booking.

Booking process

A booking can be made by telephone at:

+41 79 934 99 99 | WhatsApp

+41 76 398 88 88 | WhatsApp

Telephone bookings are confirmed via SMS.

Or Email:

Email bookings are confirmed via Email.

Or Online

Online at least 24 hours before Pickup. Once the order has been received, your booking will be confirmed within a very short time.

Online bookings are confirmed via Email Sofort.

By placing the order, the customer accepts our terms and conditions.

The transport contract is only valid when the booking is confirmed by

Globe Transporte GmbH.

The customer is obliged to check the accuracy of the information.

The customer is responsible for the accuracy of the information.


The customer must expect deviations of +/- 10 minutes from the agreed pick-up time and must be reachable by telephone at least 30 minutes in advance.

If the customer cannot be found at the confirmed pickup address, the right to transportation expires after 15 minutes of waiting.

In this case, the confirmed flat rate price must be paid in full.

If the unlikely event occurs that Globe Transporte GmbH is unable to meet the pick-up time for trips to/from the airport due to self-inflicted events, the customer has the option of ordering a replacement after consultation and approval by Globe Transporte GmbH.

The additional costs incurred by the customer will then be refunded or credited by Globe Transporte GmbH.

Pick up at the airport

As a rule, passengers are greeted with an individualized name badge in front of the exit (customs) in the arrival area of the specified flight.

Passengers who do not show up at the agreed meeting point will be contacted by the chauffeur by telephone.

If the passenger does not answer or cannot be reached so that a new meeting point cannot be agreed upon, the transfer will apply.


No liability is accepted for delays due to force majeure (accidents, breakdowns, traffic jams). We are only liable for material damage if the damage is due to gross negligence or intent. Globe Transporte GmbH assumes no liability for any damage to luggage or its contents.


The transport of excess baggage or bulky luggage, e.g. bicycles, surfboards, skis, diving equipment, requires registration and can only be transported free of charge if space is available and in safe packaging.

Child Seat

MaxiCosi and booster seats for children are provided free of charge by Globe Transporte GmbH.

For the transport of animals

if space is available and agreed, the passenger is obliged to provide Globe Transporte GmbH with the necessary, legally required means of transport (e.g. animal box).

Cancellation and rebooking

Cancellation or rebooking must be made in writing (e-mail). A rebooking is only valid if this is confirmed by Globe Transporte GmbH.

The passenger can cancel their booking free of charge up to 24 hours before the pickup time.

For cancellations within 24 hours before the pickup time, Globe Transporte GmbH will charge the passenger a cancellation fee of 50% of the agreed fixed price.

Prices and surcharges

The flat rate prices calculated and confirmed by Globe Transporte GmbH apply.

The fare is specified in the written booking confirmation.

For transport from the 5th person up to 7 people there is a surcharge of 15 CHF. Raised.


The flat rate must be paid in full in advance, or at least 30% of the reservation value and the rest directly to the chauffeur after the journey has ended.

Payment is usually made in cash or by card payment (EC, Mastercard, Maestro, Visa, Amex) and PayPal.

As well as direct reservations via our website on the Internet and payment directly with credit card or PayPal after completing the reservation.

For invoice customers, an additional charge of 5 CHF is charged to the fare. Administration costs charged.

The invoice must be paid 10 days after receipt.

Data Protection

Globe Transporte GmbH only stores and uses personal data to process and process customer orders.

Globe Airport Limousine Travel Tours | Globe Transporte GmbH (Supplier).

Privacy policy

1 Responsibility

1.1 Responsible persons

The person responsible according to Art. 5 DSG is:

Globe Transporte GmbH
Sami Ellisi
Stationstrasse 49
CH-8604 Zurich

Telephone: +41 79 934 99 99

1.2 Questions for the data protection officer

If you have any inquiries regarding data protection, you are encouraged to send us a message or contact the person named above directly.

2 General

In accordance with Article 13 of the Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation and the federal data protection regulations (Data Protection Act, DSG), every person has the right to have their privacy protected and their personal data protected from misuse. We, the operators of this website, attach great importance to the careful handling of your personal data. These will be treated confidentially in accordance with the applicable legal data protection requirements and in accordance with this data protection declaration.

In cooperation with our hosting service providers, we strive to optimally secure our databases against unauthorized access, data loss, unauthorized use or data forgery.

It is clarified that the transmission of data over the Internet (e.g. during email correspondence) may have vulnerabilities. Complete protection of the data against unauthorized access by third parties is therefore not guaranteed.

By using this website, you agree to the collection, processing and use of data in accordance with the explanations below. Visiting this website is generally possible without prior registration. During such a visit, information such as pages accessed or file names, date and time are recorded on the server without this information being directly linked to you personally. Personal data such as name, address or email address are, where possible, only collected on a voluntary basis.

3 Processing customer data

We process our customers‘ data in accordance with the data protection regulations of Switzerland (Data Protection Act, DSG) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in the context of our contractual services.

Within this framework we process:

  • Inventory data (e.g. customer master data such as names, addresses)
  • Contact details (e.g. email addresses, telephone numbers)
  • Content data (e.g. text entries)
  • Contract data (e.g. subject matter of the contract, term)
  • Payment data (e.g. bank details, payment history)
  • Usage and metadata (e.g. for evaluating and measuring the success of marketing measures)

The persons affected by the processing include our customers, interested parties, their customers, users, website visitors or employees as well as third parties. The purpose of the processing is to provide contractual services, billing and our customer service.

The legal basis for processing results from Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter b GDPR (contractual services) and Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR (analysis, statistics, optimization and security measures). Data necessary to justify and fulfill the contractual services will be processed and we point out the necessity of providing them.

The data will only be passed on to third parties if this is necessary as part of an order. When processing the data provided to us as part of an order, we act in accordance with the instructions of the client and the legal requirements for order processing in accordance with Art. 28 GDPR.

We delete the data as soon as legal warranty or similar obligations have expired. The need for data retention is reviewed at irregular intervals. In the case of legal archiving obligations, deletion takes place after they have expired. Data provided to us by the clients as part of an order will be deleted in accordance with the contractual agreements and in accordance with legal provisions, usually after completion of the order.

4 Provision of the online offering and web hosting

4.1 Online offer

In order to ensure the safe and effective availability of our online service, we use the services of one or more web hosting providers. The servers of these providers or servers administered by them enable access to our online offering. In this context, we use infrastructure and platform services, computing power, storage capacities, database services, security measures and technical maintenance services.

The information processed in the course of the hosting service may include all data that concerns the users of our online service and that arises during use and interaction. This generally includes IP addresses that are required to deliver the online content to the respective browser, as well as all entries made within our online offering or on linked websites.

4.2 Email sending and email hosting

The web hosting services we use also include sending, receiving and storing electronic messages (e-mails). In this context, the addresses of the email senders and recipients, additional information regarding the sending of emails (such as service providers involved) and the content of the respective emails themselves are processed. This data can also be used for SPAM detection purposes. It should be noted that the transmission of emails on the Internet is generally unencrypted. Although email is often encrypted in transit, this typically does not occur on the servers from which the email is sent or received, unless end-to-end encryption is used. Accordingly, we cannot accept any liability for the transmission path of emails between the sender and our server.

4.3 Collection of access data and log files

The service provider of this website automatically records and archives information in so-called server log files, which are transmitted to us by your web browser without your active involvement. This information includes:

  • Type and version of browser
  • Operating system used
  • Referrer URL
  • Host name of the computer authorized to access
  • Time of request to the server
  • IP addresses

It should be noted that the storage of IP addresses is mandatory under Swiss law. This recorded data cannot be directly assigned to a specific person. This information is not consolidated with other data sources. However, we reserve the right to retrospectively examine this data if we become aware of concrete evidence of illegal use.

5 What data do we collect and for what purpose

5.1 Contact form

If you send us inquiries using the contact form provided on this website, the information you provide on this form, including your contact details, will be retained for the purpose of processing inquiries and any subsequent questions. This data will not be passed on to third parties without your express consent.

6 Third Party Services

6.1 Use of Google Maps

This website uses Google Maps to display interactive maps. When you visit our website, Google will be informed about this, even if you are not logged in to a Google account. If you are logged in, the data will be assigned to your Google account. Google uses this data for advertising, market research and website design. If you do not want this, you should log out of Google before using the map function. You have the right to object to the creation of user profiles by Google. Further information can be found under Google’s privacy policy:

7 cookies

This website uses cookies. This is small text data that is stored on the user’s device and allows user-specific information to be stored while using the website. The use of cookies serves, in particular, to record the frequency of use and the number of users of the website, to analyze user behavior on the site and to optimize our service offering in a user-oriented manner. These cookies remain on the device beyond the end of a browser session and can be accessed again when you visit the website later. If this does not correspond to your preference, you have the option of configuring your web browser to prevent it from accepting cookies.

A general objection to the use of cookies used for online marketing can be raised for various services, particularly in the context of tracking, via the US website or the European website https:/ / can be submitted. In addition, the storage of cookies can be prevented by making appropriate changes to the browser settings. However, it should be noted that in this case not all functions of this online offer may be fully usable.

8 External payment service providers

This website uses external payment service providers to process payment transactions. These include:

The integration of these services is based on the Swiss Data Protection Regulation and, if necessary, Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter b. the General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR) for contract processing, as well as taking into account our legitimate interests in accordance with the Swiss Data Protection Regulation and Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f. EU-GDPR for the provision of efficient and secure payment options.

The data processed by the payment service providers includes master data such as name and address, banking information such as account numbers or credit card numbers, passwords, TANs and checksums as well as contract, sum and recipient-related information. This data is essential to carry out payment transactions. Data storage and processing is carried out exclusively by the payment service providers; As the operator, we do not receive any information about bank accounts or credit cards, but only a confirmation or rejection of the transaction. In certain cases, payment service providers may forward the data to credit agencies in order to carry out identity and creditworthiness checks. Please refer to the general terms and conditions and data protection information of the respective payment service provider.

For further information and to assert cancellation, information and other rights, we refer to the terms and conditions and data protection notices of the respective payment service providers, which can be accessed on their websites or transaction applications.

9 Data Security

9.1 General

The information generated by your use of the website is stored on servers in Switzerland or the European Union. Although Internet communications are not considered completely secure, our website and related systems are protected by technical and organizational precautions. These measures serve to prevent loss, damage, unauthorized access, changes or disclosure of data to unauthorized third parties. Nevertheless, we cannot offer an absolute guarantee for the security of data transmission over the Internet.

9.2 Secure Socket Layer

For security purposes and to protect the transmission of sensitive content, such as inquiries that you send to us as the operator of this website, SSL/TLS encryption technology is used. A secured connection can be recognized by the URL in the browser address bar changing from „http://“ to „https://“ and by the presence of a lock symbol in the browser line.

If SSL or TLS encryption is activated, the data you send to us cannot be viewed by unauthorized third parties.

10 Your Rights

10.1 Right to information

Any person whose personal data is the subject of data processing is entitled to request free information at any time about the personal data stored by the operator of this website that concerns them, as well as a copy of this information. In addition, information on the following details can be provided as required:

the intended processing purposes
the classes of personal data subject to processing
the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data has been or will be disclosed
if feasible, the intended storage period for the personal data; if this is not feasible, the basis for determining this period
the existence of a right to correct or delete the personal data affecting you or to limit processing by the person responsible, as well as a right to object to the said processing
the existence of a right to lodge a complaint with a competent regulatory authority
If the personal data was not collected from the person concerned, all tangible information about the origin of the data

In addition, the data subject has the right to information as to whether their personal data has been transferred to a third country or to an international organization. If this is the case, the data subject is also granted the right to receive information about the appropriate security measures in the context of the data transfer.

To exercise this right to information, you can contact our company’s data protection contact person at any time.

10.2 Right to rectification

Any person affected by the processing of personal data has the right to request the prompt correction of incorrect personal data concerning them. In addition, the data subject is granted the right, taking into account the purposes of the processing, to request the completion of incomplete personal data, if necessary by submitting an additional explanatory statement.

To exercise this right to rectification, you may contact our organization’s data protection officer at any time.

10.3 Right to Deletion

Any person who is the subject of the processing of personal data is entitled to request from the person responsible for this website the immediate deletion of the personal data concerning him or her, provided that one of the following reasons applies and provided that the data processing is not essential:

The personal data has been collected or otherwise processed for purposes for which it is no longer needed.
The data subject withdraws their consent on which the processing was based and there is no alternative legal basis for the processing.
The data subject objects to the data processing based on his or her specific situation and there are no overriding legitimate reasons for the processing or, in the case of direct advertising and the associated profiling, the data subject objects to the processing.
The personal data was processed unlawfully.
The deletion of personal data is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation under Union law or the law of the member states to which the controller is subject.
The personal data were collected in relation to information society services offered directly to a child.

If one of the reasons listed above is correct and you would like to initiate the removal of the personal data stored by the operator of this website, you can contact our data protection officer at any time for this purpose. The data protection officer for this website will arrange deletion immediately.

10.4 Right to restrict processing

Any person whose personal data is processed has the right to request that the controller of this website restrict processing if one of the following conditions is met:

  • The accuracy of the personal data is contested by the data subject for a period of time enabling the controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data.
  • The processing is unlawful and the data subject refuses the deletion of the personal data, but instead requests the restriction of the use of the personal data.
  • The person responsible no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of processing, but the data subject does need it for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.
  • The data subject has objected to the processing on grounds relating to his or her particular situation and it is not yet clear whether the legitimate grounds of the controller override those of the data subject.

If one of the above conditions is met and you would like to request the restriction of personal data stored by the operator of this website, you can contact our data protection officer at any time. The data protection officer of this website will arrange for the processing to be restricted.

11 Note on data transfer to the USA

Various tools from companies based in the USA are integrated into our website. When these tools are active, your personal data may be transferred to the servers of the respective US companies. We would like to point out that the USA is not considered a safe third country according to EU data protection standards. American companies are legally obliged to hand over personal data to security authorities without giving you as a data subject any legal recourse. It cannot therefore be ruled out that US authorities (e.g. secret services) process, evaluate and store your data for surveillance purposes indefinitely. We have no influence on these data processing activities.

12 General disclaimer

All information on our website has been checked with the greatest care. We strive to continually update the data and information provided and to present it in a factually correct and complete manner. However, the occurrence of errors cannot be completely ruled out. We therefore assume no liability for the completeness, accuracy or topicality of the journalistic and editorial content provided. Liability claims arising from material or immaterial damage caused by using the information provided are excluded unless intent or gross negligence can be proven.

The person responsible for publication reserves the right to modify or delete content without prior notice and is not obliged to update the content of this website. Access and use of this website is at the user’s own risk. Neither the person responsible for the publication, his clients nor his partners are liable for direct, indirect, incidental, pre-specified or resulting damages that are alleged to have arisen from visiting or using this website.

In addition, the person responsible for publication assumes no liability for the content or availability of third-party websites that are accessible via external links on this website. The operators are solely responsible for the content of the linked pages. The person responsible for publication hereby expressly distances himself from any third-party content that may be relevant under criminal law or liability law or that violates common decency.

13 changes

We reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time and without prior notice. The current version of the data protection declaration is published on our website and is valid from the time of publication. If the privacy policy is part of an agreement with you, if we update it, we will inform you of the changes by email or other appropriate means. It is therefore advisable to consult this privacy policy regularly to stay up to date.

Zurich, 2024